Our pets’ world revolves around their mouths, and that makes dental care vital to their overall health and longevity. The fact is most pets over three already have some signs of periodontal disease.
Pet owners may notice terrible doggy breath, a pet that has trouble eating or obviously feels unwell. At that point, a lot of tooth and gum damage has probably already occurred, requiring extensive cleaning, extractions and or oral surgery to fix. If the periodontal disease is advanced, bacteria may have already spread to internal organs, causing serious illness and perhaps even shortening the life of your pet.
The way to avoid all this is with regular dental care cleanings. At Animal Care Center of North Jersey, your pet’s dental appointment includes:
- Oral examinations under anesthesia
- Diagnosis and treatment of periodontal disease
- X-rays
- Supra and subgingival scaling
- Tooth extractions
- Polishing
- Irrigation
- Fluoride application
Call us at (973) 835-3733 to schedule a dental cleaning for your pet. You can also request an appointment online.